Web based services

Opening various documents on SharePoint


After a period of consistent testing and monitoring, we can now confirm the issue we have been experiencing with documents not opening on SharePoint has now been resolved.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused

Problemer identificeret

Microsoft have provided a fix which has now been tested successfully. We plan to implement this fix this evening between 5.30pm and 8.30pm as the service will need to be made unavailable. A further announcement will be placed for this work.
The workaround is still in place for those that need to access files urgently today, which is to download the document from the site and then open the file.
We will continue to provide updates on the IT Status page.

Problemer identificeret

Microsoft have identified what they believe the cause of this issue is and are currently working with the team to implement a possible fix. This will require testing to ensure it does resolve the issue.
The workaround is still in place for those that need to access files urgently, which is to download the document from the site and then open the file.
We will continue to provide updates on the IT Status page.


We are working with Microsoft on the issue with various documents on SharePoint not opening in Word.
The team are investigating this as a high priority.
The workaround if faced with this issue is to download the document from the site and then open it.
Further updates will be provided on the IT Status page.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause


We continue to work on the issue with various documents on SharePoint not opening in Word.
The workaround if faced with this issue is to download the document from the site and then open it.
Further updates will be provided on the IT Status page.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause


We are currently working on an issue with various documents on SharePoint not opening in Word.
The team are looking into this as a high priority. The workaround if faced with this issue is to download the document from the site and then open it. Further updates will be provided on the IT Status page.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

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