Emergency Power Work - 20/10/2019


The emergency power work at Penrhyn road has been completed and IT services are no longer at risk from this, however the Sopwith Building on the Penrhyn Road campus is closed until further notice. Please see emails, local comms and MyKingston for further updates.


UK Power have informed us that they need to shutdown power to the Penrhyn Road campus for some emergency power work. Our engineers are working to ensure services remain available but please be advised that as a result KU IT services will be running at risk between 17:15 and 20:00 on Sunday 20th October. This includes network connectivity at halls (Penrhyn Road, Seething Wells, Kingston Bridge House and Clayhill). We will continue to provide updates via our Status page. https://status.kingston.ac.uk/

2 Serviços afetados:
IT Support Contacts:
Status sites of our vendors : Adobe | box | Canvas | Ex Libris | Office365 | Vonage