
Issues due to incorrect computer time.


Most devices showing ‘incorrect computer time’ errors following the change to BST last weekend have been fixed. Any further reports will be dealt with via the Service Desk.
Once again we apologise for any inconvenience this has caused those users affected.


We are still receiving a small number of tickets relating to the incorrect time setting on laptops. Users are able to fix this issue themselves by opening AppsAnywhere on their KU device and launching ‘Time Zone Fix’.
If you are having difficulty running this fix or still require assistance, please contact the Service Desk.
We apologise to those that were affected by this issue.


We continue to process these cases as they are reported to us and the number of new cases is dropping. We apologise for the inconvenience this has caused to some users.

Probleem Geïdentificeerd

The issue with incorrect computer times on some laptops has been identified but needs to be fixed manually per device. We are working through instances already reported and will continue to fix any new cases as they are reported to us.
We apologise for the inconvenience this has caused to affected users.


Due to the computer time not being updated on some laptops after the daylight savings time change, some users are unable to login to applications such as ‘Skype for Business’. We are currently working on a fix for users and will make this available as soon as we can.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

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